вторник, 7 октомври 2014 г.

The things that make me go asdfghjkl;

1. When you get butterflies.
2. Super soft blankets.
3. When you spend an entire day with someone.
4. Stekeez.
5. When somebody addresses you by your name.
6. Your best pair of jeans.
7. Thunderstorms.
8. Being tan.
9. When a stranger does something nice to you.
10. The smell that take you to something in your past.
11. New environments. 
12. Candles.
13. Riding in a car with a top down.
14. Listening to new music, new artist.
15. When somebody plays with your hair and you get chills.
16. When you get chills.
17. Hanging out with friends after school.
18. Surprises.
19. Deep voices.
20. When you are really tired and you finally go to bed.
21. The smell of new books.
22. When somebody plays attention to the little things.
23. When you catch somebody staring at you.
24. Full written notebooks.
25. Coffee or tea.
- Stelly xx